…until next year. Go on, now. You can do it. It’s all right. We’ll be back in a few weeks for all your eviltry needs.
We here at the ELEW would like to thank our loyal evil readership for another great (if bumpy!) year. Next year the Evil League of Evil Writers will be FIVE YEARS OLD, and we have some fantastic no-goodness planned.
Just so you know, our official hiatus starts today (Monday, December 21) and goes through Sunday, January 10, 2016.
We’ll be back kicking things off on Monday, January 11 with yours truly, your Gothic Goddess.
From we at the ELEW to you and yours, enjoy your holiday season, and don’t get arrested. We will not bail you out.

The Sithmas Tree of the Gothic Goddess
Happy Sithmas, Dina!